OPK - test for nystagmus
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OPK – (induces optokinetic nystagmus)
Finally, an optokinetic diagnostic and therapeutic app for Android! This is the first and only OKN (Optokinetic Nystagmus) app endorsed by the International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehabilitation (IAFNR). 10% of OPK sales will be generously donated to the IAFNR for their continued research in the field of Functional Neurology.
OPK was designed to induce optokinetic nystagmus using an Android device. This is a modern replacement for old-fashioned optokinetic drums or cloth strips used by most orthoptists and neurologists. By using this app, a nystagmus will develop in both infants and adults with normal vision. The presence of nystagmus typically indicates an intact visual pathway.
This easy-to-use application provides multiple configuration options. When the app is launched, it will display alternating black and white horizontal stripes. From there, you can...
• Horizontal swype to change the colors of the stripes. Options include black/white, red/white and black/white/red/white.
• Vertical swype to scroll the stripes in the direction of the swype. The scrolling speed is incremented with each subsequent swype. Scrolling is bidirectional.
• Double tap the scrolling stripes to stop the stripes from scrolling.
• Pinch or Zoom with two fingers to resize the stripes. This can be done in either a stopped or scrolling state.
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' Superman pitch Revealed as Godfather-like epic Millar explains that 'The Dark Knight can take a comic book property and a serious film, and I think the studios are ready to listen to bigger ideas now showed. 'partnership with a big has a partnership with a big director and producer and went to Hollywood. 'Magnum Opus of Superman stories 'his pitch The idea consists of an 8-hour saga in 3 films a apart apart released, much like Lord of the Rings split download OPK - test for nystagmus 1.0.3 apk . Added that added that 'the problem with Superman Returns was like release Star Wars in '77, The Empire Strikes Back in '80 , and then wait 28 years, releasing Return of the Jedi - it relevant wasn t trying I understand what Bryan Singer? ,, to pay homage to Richard Donner's original vision, but I think you should pay homage to something else. 'So what exactly is this idea?
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