Voice Changer MultiTrack PRO
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Have you ever thought to make crazy or scary or stupid jokes on the phone? Now with "Voice Changer MultiTrack" you can do it. To be Honest with Voice Changer MultiTrack you can do much more than just a simple joke!!!
Voice Changer MultiTrack is the first multitrack recorder in android with 4 different audio channels where different audio effect can be applied to each of them.
If you liked Ultra Voice Changer, Best Voice Changer, Voice changer calling, simple voice changer, Free Android Voice changer, you will like this app better. Thanks to the special multitrack core (this is the unique voice changer that support multitrack recording) you can record difference voices (you can also create your personal fake conversation) and apply different effect to each voice.
- A speech between you and monster;
- A speech between you and woman;
- A speech between you and Dart Vader;
- A speech with a psycho;
- A ton of other speech
Moreover you can also add some fake effect (police, war, rain, stadium, dance music) in order to pretend to be in another place or environment. A ton of fun is guaranteed!!!
There are two possible ways of using "Voice Changer MultiTrack".
- The OFFLINE MODE: Record your voice, choose one effect, play it and ... enjoy your modified voice!!!
You can use it to make crazy jokes on the phone, create terrific ringtones and sharing incredible strange voices with your friends thorught: SMS, Email, WeChat, Line, Skype, Gmail, WhatsApp and Facebook.
- The REALTIME MODE: Select the effect and start talk. With this feature you are able to change your voice in real-time. This mode suits perfect for prank calls.
As a matter of fact, in order to make the perfect prank call, Mardsotf suggests two practises: external loudspeaker mode and direct call based on VOIP software.
- External Loudspeaker:
+ What do you need: external loudspeaker, cordless or mobile phone with speakerphone mode enable.
1) Connect the mobile phone running "MultiTrack voice changer" to external loudspeaker
2) Put the cordless telephone close to the loudspeaker (warning cordless are better the mobile phone since able to reduce the audio interference).
3) Start the call with speakerphone mode enable.
4) More you can stay away from the calling phone and less is the echo introduced.
5) You can reduce the I/O Latency increasing the sample rate. However some effects don't work with high sample rate.
- Direct Call:
+ What do you need: VOIP software running on PC (i.e., skype), a mini-jack/mini-jack cable.
1) Connect the mobile phone running "MultiTrack voice changer" to the laptop running VOIP software putting the mini-jack in the icrophone pin.
2) Start the call (if you have some credit skype it could be terrific due to the hidden ID call)
3) This approach allow to remove any kind of echo or interference due to the mobile phone.
4) You can reduce the I/O Latency increasing the sample rate. However some effects don't work with high sample rate.
WARNING: Using the application in different context could not produce satisfactory results. Using the real-time mode without external loudspeaker, jack connector or headset is not recommended.
List of some of the effects used in the voice effect :
Your Voice, Alien, Backwards, Chipmunk, Devil, Echo, Fast Motion , Faster Motion, the fastest motion, Back fast, Forest Gump, Overdrive, Over Excited, Pitch Shifting, Robot, slow Backward, Slow, the slower motion, Whispering, Cyborg, Darth Vader, Mountain echo, Flanger, Fuzz, Out of Breath, RT Pitch Shifting possesed, Reverb, Reverse Delay, Psycho, Scrambler, Time Stretching Ultra Bass, Ultra High
Tags: voice changer , voice changer , change voice , voice modifier , voice changer , voice effects , voice effects , modifier , morphing , crazy, fun , free , voices, change, changes , speech , edit , modify, correct the effect, sound FX, better, microphone , games , instruments, vocals, silly , trick.
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And Perry, New Superman Movie: The Man of SteelUpdate: It's been happened a lot since this was announced, but apparently the complete and final update comes to the situation of IGN Voice Changer MultiTrack PRO 1.3.1 apk free download . After this news first hit, AICN claiming that Goyer was not actually written anything yet. IGN IGN says Goyer indeed to the project, but not just that - he The Dark Knight co-writer Jonah Nolan will also be scripting Superman: The Man of Steel along with it. Great news, especially because Nolan and Goyer have shown they are excellent writers with the two Batman movies. What another big question. Does this mean that they are not yet writing the third Batman? - Your source continues to spread that Goyer history Luthor and Brainiac and assumes is an origin and assumes audiences already over Lois, Jimmy and Perry, I know that the Daily Planet is struggling due to the internet and I know. There is a huge Kryptonian mythology. Finally, it sounds like we find the contemporary Superman we have all been waiting and DC Comics have to keep more than a rich man in a tool belt around the rest of the Marvel arsenal of kick-ass superheroes in check. It is still a very long way for sure, but I absolutely can not wait to see what Goyer and Nolan do with Supes. Are they on the right path?
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