четверг, 29 мая 2014 г.

download Poweramp skin COPPER METAL apk free

Poweramp skin COPPER METAL

Music & Audio

Download .apk

Poweramp copper metal skin

A copper metal poweramp skin with a clean design.

Very nice design and beautifull custom icons.

copper metal is a skin pack for Poweramp 2.x.

This is not a separate application.

Install Poweramp 2 first, then this theme.

After installing the theme.

You can click a button to go straight to applying the skin.

Or you can go straight to Poweramp and it will be in your themes list.

(Poweramp > Settings > Look and Feel > Theme.)

Feel free to contact me if you have any problems or suggestions.


Made in Germany - copyright© all rights reserved Tapanifinal


Download .apk

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