Graph Professional
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Graph provides you a powerful function drawer. You will like to use the app because of the intuitive handling and the intelligent structure of the app. Although the app has got diverse possibilities, the usability has never been left behind. The features:
- Support (almost) every type of function
- Graphic representation of the equations
- Possibility of using many parameters
- Draw the first or second derivative of an equation
- Draw the integral of an equation
- Calculation of roots, local extrema, saddle points and inflection points*
- Draw the coordinates to an specific x-Position
- Draw the tangent to an specific x-Position
- Draw the normal to an specific x-Position
- Calculate the definite integral of any equation
- Manage your graphs in different sessions
- Limitless amounts of equations
- Export your graph as PNG-file
- Use intuitive multitouch gestures to zoom in your graph plot
In schools, universities or at work: The graphic representation of Equations is useful in many kinds of your daily routine.
The app supports the following function types:
- polynomial function, rational function
- Sinus, Cosinus, Tangens
- Arcussinus, Arcuscosinus, Arcustangens
- Sinus hyperbolicus, Cosinus hyperbolicus, Tangens hyperbolicus
- Arcussinus hyperbolicus, Arcuscosinus hyperbolicus, Arcustangens hyperbolicus
- Logarithm, natural logarithm, Logarithm to any base
- Squareroot, cubicroot, root to any exponent
- Absolute, Signum
- Derivative
- Round, Ceil, Floor
Moreover, up to 13 different parameters can be defined.
* We are testing this feature at the moment. The points were calculated numerically. That's why it is possible that not all points are found, especially with non continuously differentiable functions.
Are there any open questions? Send us an E-Mail:
Developed by Amadeus Gebauer
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