понедельник, 28 апреля 2014 г.

download Holo Label Widget Pro free android app

Holo Label Widget Pro


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Sorted, beautiful and creative - This is Holo Label Widget!

With this Widget-App you can give your apps, widgets, bookmarks, ... on the homescreen a label/headline. That will make your screen clear and you will find everything faster. The best is, this widget has the holo design (Jellybean design).

These are the functions:

- Color theme setup (Pro version only!)

- Extra thin text (Pro version only!)

- Activate underline/roof over (Pro version only!)

- Use divider (Pro version only!)

- Set individual text

- Choose category (Also individual available now!)

This app looks ideal in combination with Android Jellybean Wallpaper and/or Holo widgets.

Download .apk

Olivia Munn hosts ceremony as Kodak the Philo T Holo Label Widget Pro 1.04 apk free download . Farnsworth Award.They threw confetti into the audience and acknowledged the crowd that. Cinematographer Curtis Clark presented the award to ASC President Stephen Lighthill, after recognition of the work the participants and the importance of development, it it[ the Emmy] by Curtis - who is the Chairman of the Technology Committee. 2011, AMPAS SciTech Council Co-Chair Ray Feeney accepted the award and thanked the many manufacturers, organizations and individuals who contributed to the common development. Paid During the ceremony, participants also tribute to last year 's Charles F. Jenkins Award winner, industry visionary Bob Lambert, who died last month -. Lambert was unable to attend the 2011, and a clip from his recorded acceptance played in his memory.

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